B-R-A-C-E yourself (B – Believe in yourself)

B – Believe in yourself:
No one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. It’s not rocket science! Believing in yourself means working on your self-esteem and confidence to achieve optimum result.

B-R-A-C-E yourself

What Next, After the Job?

This is the title of Chapter 4 of my book, and it’s such an important question we must all at some point in our careers answer, because landing a great job is not the end in itself; it is a means to an end in the pursuit of a successful/sustainable career.

Motivational quote

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” – James Clear

What’s your spec?

What’s Your Spec?🤔

Tall, dark and handsome. That used to be a popular answer when you asked a young lady what kind of guy she wanted for a husband. The details are astounding but if I were to ask, ‘what are your career goals?’, the answer will be followed by stutters.

Life after retirement

Life after your 9 to 5 journey

Have you imagined what your life would look like after retirement?

Motivational quote

“Your habits shape your identity and your identity shapes your habits” – James Clear

The Golden Triangle by Brian Tracy

The Golden Triangle by Brian Tracy

-Accept responsibility of your life
-Write down your goals
-Dedicate your life to continuous learning

Motivational quote

“Habits are the compound interest of self improvement” – James Clear

As you progress in life, you must come to the realization times that continuous self improvement is one of the habits required to sustain performance.