B-R-A-C-E yourself (B – Believe in yourself)
B – Believe in yourself:
No one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. It’s not rocket science! Believing in yourself means working on your self-esteem and confidence to achieve optimum result.
B-R-A-C-E yourself
What Next, After the Job?
This is the title of Chapter 4 of my book, and it’s such an important question we must all at some point in our careers answer, because landing a great job is not the end in itself; it is a means to an end in the pursuit of a successful/sustainable career.
Motivational quote
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” – James Clear
What’s your spec?
What’s Your Spec?🤔
Tall, dark and handsome. That used to be a popular answer when you asked a young lady what kind of guy she wanted for a husband. The details are astounding but if I were to ask, ‘what are your career goals?’, the answer will be followed by stutters.
Life after retirement
Life after your 9 to 5 journey
Have you imagined what your life would look like after retirement?
Motivational quote
“Your habits shape your identity and your identity shapes your habits” – James Clear
The Golden Triangle by Brian Tracy
The Golden Triangle by Brian Tracy
-Accept responsibility of your life
-Write down your goals
-Dedicate your life to continuous learning
Motivational quote
“Habits are the compound interest of self improvement” – James Clear
As you progress in life, you must come to the realization times that continuous self improvement is one of the habits required to sustain performance.
Welcome to the month of July ’22
Happy new month💃